Wisdom Teeth Removal Services

Wisdom teeth, in some cases, can grow in straight and cause little to no dental problems. That’s not the case for the majority of people.

If the problematic teeth aren’t removed, they can cause a wide range of dental problems from crowding to infection and disease. Oral health professionals recommend having them removed as soon as possible.

At Advanced Dental Implants & Oral Surgery, we are experienced in providing wisdom teeth removal services. We use the latest techniques and technology to ensure your comfort and safety. We also offer same-day appointments and financing options to make your experience as easy as possible.

Contact our office to schedule a consultation to get your or your child’s wisdom teeth removed today.



When Should Wisdom Teeth Be Removed?

The best time to remove your wisdom teeth is when they are still developing and have not caused any problems. This is usually between the ages of 17 and 25. However, some people may need to have their wisdom teeth removed later in life if they start to cause problems.

There are several reasons why you might need to remove your wisdom teeth. Some of the most common reasons include:

  • Impacted wisdom teeth: Impacted wisdom teeth are those that are unable to grow normally and become trapped under your other teeth or in the jawbone. This can cause pain, infection, and other problems.
  • Diseased wisdom teeth: Wisdom teeth can also become infected, which can lead to pain, swelling, and difficulty chewing.
  • Crooked wisdom teeth: Crooked wisdom teeth can crowd your other teeth and make it difficult to clean them properly. This can increase your risk of cavities and gum disease.
  • Missing teeth: If you are missing teeth, wisdom teeth may shift into empty spaces, causing crowding and other problems.


If you have any of these signs or symptoms, contact our office to schedule your consultation. After your examination, we’ll discuss whether or not you need to have your wisdom teeth removed.

Here are some of the factors that may affect the timing of your wisdom teeth removal:

  • The position of your wisdom teeth: If your wisdom teeth are impacted or crooked, they may need to be removed sooner than if they are growing in straight.
  • Your overall health: If you have other health conditions, such as diabetes or heart disease, you may need to have your wisdom teeth removed sooner.
  • Your lifestyle: If you are active and play sports, you may need to have your wisdom teeth removed sooner to avoid injury.


The decision of when to remove your wisdom teeth is a personal one that should be made after your consultation. Weigh the risks and benefits carefully before making a decision.

How Are Wisdom Teeth Removed?

Removing wisdom teeth is a very common procedure that can be done in our Issaquah oral surgery center using either local or general anesthesia, depending on your specific situation.

Generally, there are two common ways of removing wisdom teeth:

  • Simple extraction: This is the most common way to remove wisdom teeth. The dentist or oral surgeon makes an incision in the gum tissue and then uses forceps to remove the tooth.
  • Surgery: This is used if the wisdom teeth are impacted or if they are difficult to remove. The dentist or oral surgeon may need to make a larger incision and use other tools, such as a chisel or a drill, to remove the tooth.


After the tooth is removed, our oral surgeon will stitch the gum tissue closed. You will need to rest and take care of your mouth for a few days after the procedure. Your dentist will give you specific instructions on how to care for your mouth after the procedure. You should expect some pain and swelling, but this should go away within a few days.

  • Yogurt
  • Soups
  • Pudding
  • Mashed potatoes
  • Scrambled eggs
  • Applesauce
  • Smoothies
  • Other Soft Foods


It is also important to avoid hard, crunchy, or chewy foods, as these can put pressure on the extraction site and cause pain or bleeding. Here are some examples of foods that you should avoid after wisdom tooth removal:

  • Nuts Crackers
  • Hard candy
  • Chips
  • Steak
  • Carrots
  • Anything that requires a lot of biting or chewing


If you are unsure about whether a food is safe to eat after wisdom tooth removal, it is always best to ask your oral surgeon.

In addition to eating soft foods, it is also important to drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated. This will help to flush out any bacteria and blood from the extraction site.

However, in your quest to remain hydrated, it’s important that you avoid using any kind of straw. Here are a few reasons why:

  • Straws create suction. When you suck on a straw, it creates suction in your mouth. This suction can dislodge the blood clot that is forming at the extraction site. This can lead to bleeding, pain, and infection.
  • Straws can irritate the extraction site. The edges of the extraction site can be raw and sensitive. The sucking motion of a straw can irritate these edges and make them more painful.
  • Straws can introduce bacteria into the extraction site. The tip of a straw can be contaminated with bacteria. If you put the straw in your mouth, you could introduce these bacteria into the extraction site, which could lead to infection.


If you are thirsty after wisdom teeth removal, it is best to drink fluids from a cup or glass. You can also use a straw if you absolutely must but be sure to take small sips and avoid sucking hard.

You should also avoid smoking and drinking alcohol after wisdom tooth removal. Smoking can dry out the gums and make healing more difficult, while alcohol can increase the risk of bleeding.

It is important to follow your oral surgeon’s instructions carefully after wisdom tooth removal. This will help to ensure a speedy and uneventful recovery.


How Much Does Wisdom Teeth Removal Cost?

Estimating how much this procedure costs depends on a variety of factors like the complexity of the procedure, the type of anesthesia used and, in rare cases, if there are any complications during.

The best way to get an accurate estimate is by scheduling a consultation with our oral surgeon at Advanced Dental Implants & Oral Surgery.

Once you know how much the procedure is, there are multiple ways to cover the cost. Some insurance policies may cover some costs of the procedure. However, it’s best to contact your provider and discuss the specifics of your policy and what it covers.

Here are some additional options to cover the associated costs of the procedure:

  • Self-pay: If you do not have dental insurance or your insurance does not cover wisdom teeth removal, you will need to pay for the procedure out of pocket. You can do this by paying in cash or by using a credit card.
  • CareCredit: CareCredit is a credit card that can be used to finance medical and dental expenses. You can use CareCredit to pay for wisdom teeth removal and then make monthly payments over time.
  • Health savings account (HSA) or flexible spending account (FSA): If you have an HSA or FSA, you can use these accounts to pay for wisdom teeth removal. You will need to have money in your account before you can use it to pay for the procedure.
  • Loan: If you cannot afford to pay for wisdom teeth removal out of pocket, you may be able to get a loan. There are many different types of loans available, so you should shop around to find the best one for you.


When choosing a payment option, it is important to consider your budget and your financial situation. You should also make sure that you understand the terms and conditions of any loan or financing option before you agree to it.


Contact Advanced Dental Implants & Oral Surgery Today

Your journey to optimal oral health begins here at Advanced Dental Implants & Oral Surgery in beautiful Issaquah, Washington. We’ve made it our mission to provide the highest quality wisdom teeth removal service in the area, and we’re proud to serve our community with expertise, compassion, and advanced technology.

We understand that the decision to remove wisdom teeth is an important one, and our dedicated team is committed to ensuring that your experience with us is smooth, comfortable, and tailored to your specific needs.

Don’t wait until the discomfort of impacted wisdom teeth becomes unbearable. We encourage you to take the next step towards a healthier, pain-free smile by scheduling a consultation with our experienced oral surgeons. During your consultation, we will thoroughly assess your unique situation, answer any questions or concerns you may have, and develop a personalized treatment plan that aligns with your oral health goals.

Your well-being is our priority, and we’re here to guide you every step of the way. Contact us today to schedule your consultation and take the first step towards a brighter, more confident smile.


What our Patients Say About Us

I have been dealing with ongoing off and on problems with my mandible since 2015. Dr. Vega is the one who saved my life, debrided it correctly, put me on IV ABT, wired my jaw so it wouldn’t break and placed 2 successful implants all with genuine care, great bedside manner and professionalism. I had to return to him d/t another unfortunate event and he has stuck with me through thick and thin. He is an excellent physician, he does everything he can to set you up for success, but sometimes it’s our bodies that don’t cooperate. I highly recommend him!

Gena C

Dr. Vega saw me, identified my problems on the initial visit. It was obvious he was both knowledgeable & experienced with this type of problem. He included me in developing the plan of care and answered all of my questions. He explained every aspect in a way I could understand, using models and pictures for clarity. His pleasant, approachable & caring attitude offered me the opportunity to ask questions, eliminating fears & anxiety. I highly recommend Dr. Vega and his team.
